Our Services
Help for your business. Help with your storefront. Work with us.
For Your Business
We regularly facilitate trainings, workshops, and community projects ranging from packaging supply to website design. We host classes both in person and online. Check out our news and events page to learn more.
Having trouble with your business license? Not sure which District Department to talk to? We can help pinpoint problems and solutions, and refer you to our network of vetted service providers for specialized issues.
We help businesses source, apply for, and win grants, and we check in with them along the way to ensure that their materials are ready and robust.
Our seasoned team of consultants can help with long term strategy and forecasting and we regularly facilitate long term partnerships with well-established businesses.
For Your Storefront
We coordinate the work of architects, graphic designers, and contractors to assist you in designing and installing a new street presence. We partner with DC Facades, a locally owned Certified Business Enterprise. Our teams have extensive design, project management, and construction experience.
Our experienced construction consultants can provide accurate cost estimates if you’re considering a renovation or expansion project. We can also help source funding to make your plans a reality.